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5 Jul 2022

What is Google Blogger Why its Most Popular

Blogging can be a great way to connect with others and share your thoughts, experiences, and insights. You can do blogging using Google’s free online blogging platform - Blogger.

What is Blogger

What is Blogging?

Blogging is a great way to share your thoughts, insights, and experiences with the world. It can also be a great way to connect with friends and family, learn about new cultures, and share your thoughts on current events. It can also provide you with a unique platform to market your products and services.

What is Google Blogger?

Blogger is an American online content management system which is free and you can use it with your gmail account.

How to Start a Blog?

There are a few steps you need to take in order to start your own blog:

  1. Choose the right topic,
  2. Create an account on the Blogger platform,
  3. Launch your blog.
  4. Start publishing your content

Tips for becoming a successful blogger 

You need to follow the following remarkable tips and tricks that will help to become a good and successful blogger. Here they are -

Always tag your content with your respective audience or industry -
Be sure to use tags when tagging your posts or content so that others can easily find what you're talking about. Tags also help other bloggers follow along with your writing journey.

1. Keep updated content

In order to provide quality content for your blog, you need to be well-versed in blogging etiquette. You should also be sure to update your posts regularly, as new information and ideas may come in handy while you’re writing.

Finally, make sure that all of your posts are easy to find and read by other bloggers – this will help promote your blog and keep readers coming back.

2. Add catchy content with the right graphics and videos

Use as many attractive images and relevant videos as possible in your blog content. Always remember that visuals like videos and images are incredibly helpful in grabbing the attention of viewers or readers.

When you convey a message or information in forms that can be seen, such as images, videos, etc., it can have a powerful impact on your audience. Visuals - images or videos, not only look different at first glance but are also easy to remember.

Thus, start bringing life to the mix by adding photos, graphics, videos, or other types of visuals. Using these elements, you can improve the overall impression of your blog and increase the awareness of your readers.

3. Spread the information about your blog on social networking

Always share your blogging posts with your friends and family using social networking sites like – Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. This way, they’ll be able to see what you’re up to and get a little bit of notification about your latest postings. Plus, by getting families to join your blog, you can build a community around your blog and help promote it to potential readers.

4. Write SEO-friendly content

SEO friendly content is a type of specific content that is created in such a way that it helps the search engines to rank it higher. This is really to help Google search engines find, understand and relate your content to the topic you are trying to serve your audience or readers.

Therefore, always use keywords that try to find users or your audience in Google search. In this way, your blog or content will be able to reach many people.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Question

How does Google Blogger work?

Blogger is a free and very easy blogging platform created by Google, which you can use by creating a Gmail account and getting started in a very short time, less than 10 minutes. This creates a public domain URL for your blog on which you can present your blog posts, pages, products, etc. to the world.

Is Blogger by Google free?

Yes, it is free. You can use it through Gmail account.

What is the purpose of Blogger?

The main purpose of blogger is to educate and aware users or to give new information about any business or services or product. This is the reason that you must have seen the blog link on most of the websites. In a way, it increases the confidence of the people in the branding of your business which helps in your revenue increment.

How can I earn money from Google blog?

You'll first need to create a blog on Blogger with your associated Gmail account by clicking the "Google Apps" button (in the upper right corner) on the Gmail inbox page. Next, you need to click on the "Earnings" link (in the left column link lists) to create and assign a Google AdSense account. After successfully assigning your blog to the AdSense account, Google will display ads on your blog. You will be able to earn money for displaying ads on your blog.

Can blogger earn money?

Yes, a blogger can earn money that too without investment. All you have to do is to create a blog and keep writing articles related to your topic from time to time.

Is Blogger safe to use?

Yes it is completely safe to use blogger as it is hosted on Google server with SSL certificate.

What is the difference between blog and Blogger?

A blog is a type of website on which the content is always changed or updated from time to time. A blogger is a person who always posts content or information on the blog. This content is on the topic and ideas related to the blog itself.

What are the pros and cons of Blogger?

Pros - blog is easy to start, there is no technical cost to start a blog, it gives you recognition in the society or community, you can express or publish your ideas, there is no content censorship or restriction.

Cons – it requires frequent content updates, requires some technical expertise if there is a tech issue.

Can I use Blogger as a website?

Yes, it can be used as a website. You need to apply your website domain into the blooger as custom domain. Also you need to use only pages (static content) functionality for this purpose. Please visit to check "How To Setup Custom Domain Name in Blogger" if you want to know custom domain assigning into blogger.

We are already using the blogger as website using its pages only functionality. You can visit to view the website at www.cmssolutionsexperts.com

Is Blogger hosting free?

Yes, there is no any cost for hosting at Blogger.

How do you become a blogger?

To become a blogger follow the following steps -
  • Select a user demandable topic or subject.
  • Create Gmail account associated blog on Google Blogger
  • Choose a neat and clean inbuilt blog template or theme in Google Blogger
  • Write compelling content on a chosen topic or subject that your readers will enjoy.
  • Share the URL of your blog or the post you wrote on your social networks

What is a blogging job?

The main work of blogger is article writing and publishing. Apart from this, he keeps on promoting his content ideas by sharing them on many online platforms like social networking etc.

Why is blogging so popular?

The biggest reason for its popularity is its easy usability and cost free. It does not require any kind of degree or special skills, anyone can start it. You just need to have the intention to write consistently, that's all.

How do beginner bloggers make money?

Beginner bloggers can make money through Google AdSense. Ad appears on your blog by Google AdSense, on which Google gives you a percentage of the ad when the user clicks on it.

How do I start a blog with no money?

You can start blog without any cost using world’s two popular blogging platform, which are - Blogger (www.blogger.com), WordPress (www.wordpress.com)

Best books for Blogging


Blogging Fortune: Blogging For Traffic And Cash

Blogging Fortune: Blogging For Traffic And Cash

Book Description

The book has covered following topics - What is Blog, The Blog as Business, Develop a Blog Theme, Branding Idea Generator, XML and RSS Feeds, Profiting from your blog impire, Blog Hosts, Free vs Subscription, Generating Traffic, Traffic Exchanges, Blog Directories, Blog Rings, Link Exchanges, Search Engines and Newws Engine, Developing Content for Other Sites, Keeping Readers with expertise, Writing unique and valuable content, writing timely content, and many more.

Book details

Format: Kindle Edition
Author: Valentine Gretter
Print Length: 172 pages
Publication Date: 8 September 2022
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported
Enhanced typesetting: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Kindle Price: Rs. 449.00*
*Price and stock are correct and available at the time of article publication.

Get it here from Amazon


Blogging: Make Profit Through Writing Blog Posts

Blogging: Make Profit Through Writing Blog Posts

Book Description

Looking for a way to start your first blogging website, but not sure to start where to start? Do not look again, because now you have found the correct set of tools to create your own WordPress site in a few minutes.

It is generally believed that to enter the game of "big fish" bloggers, disaster and online businesses in general, people must have a fancy website with all kinds of pop-ups, widgets and what not. It is not so that anyone can do this work through this book. The book covers several topics for this which are - What is Blogging and Why Do It?, Reasons for Blogging, Types of Blogs, The Qualities of a Successful Blogger, Ingredients for a Blog, Creating Content for Your Blog, How to Promote Your Blog, Where to Get Traffic, much, much more.

Book details

Format: Kindle Edition, Paperback
Author: Daniel Trinne
Print Length: 192 pages
Publication Date: 10 August 2022
Publisher: Jessy Lindsay
Kindle Price: Rs. 238.00*
Paperback Price: Rs. 1,809.00 *
*Price and stock are correct and available at the time of article publication.

Get it here from Amazon


The Secrets To Blogging For Pro

The Secrets To Blogging For Pro

Book Description

The book covers following topics - learning how to make maoney online, picking a topic for your business, what is niche, why do we need a niche, affiliate program research, domains and hosting, basic website structure, keyword research, writing technique, social media, traffic and many more.

Book details

Format: Kindle Edition
Author: Amy Laura PH.D
Print Length: 154 pages
Publication Date: 1 July 2022
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Enhanced typesetting: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Kindle Price: Rs. 315.00*
*Price and stock are correct and available at the time of article publication.

Get it here from Amazon


Blogging Free Traffic Goldmine

Blogging Free Traffic Goldmine

Book Description

The book teaches to get, grow and attract website visitors with proven strategies, to generate premium traffic for free to grow your business.

Book details

Format: Kindle Edition
Author: John Spielman
Print Length: 22 pages
Publication Date: 29 September 2021
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported
Enhanced typesetting: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Kindle Price: Rs. 296.00*
*Price and stock are correct and available at the time of article publication.

Get it here from Amazon


Blogging se pese kamaye / ब्लागिंग से पैसे कमाये: 100$ रोज कमायें

Blogging se pese kamaye

Book Description

As you know that no school or college is told to earn money, nor is it told or told with education.

In this book, how to earn money from how to make a blog from beginning to end, how people are earning millions of rupees from the blog and how they are making a brand of themselves, all kinds of knowledge are closely told.

This book is for all those who know mobile walking in the digital world. This book is for a student, nokripesa, domestic women and every person who wants a lot of money in his life.

Book details

Author: Dr. Durgesh Sisodiya
Print Length: 212 pages
Publication Date: 28 September 2021
Publisher: Notion Press
Paperback Price: Rs. 359.00 *
*Price and stock are correct and available at the time of article publication.

Get it here from Amazon

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Aashutosh Kumar Yadav

By Aashutosh Kumar Yadav

He is a PHP-based UI/Web designer and developer by profession and very interested in technical writing and blogging. He has been writing technical content for about 10 years and has proficient in practical knowledge and technical writing.


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