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2 Aug 2022

Why Python is Most Popular Programming Language

Every developer in the world knows that Python is most popular today for building high quality software using simple logic and development methods.

Let us know in detail that what are the qualities in Python porgamming language that makes it the world's accepted and popular programming language.

 Python Why Most Popular Today

What is Python?

Python is a globally accepted high-level general-purpose language that is widely used in the world of programming.

Python supports many types of programming prototypes or patterns such as structured, functional, and object-oriented (OOPs) programming techniques, etc. Python is used for many specific and specialized purposes like machine learning, data analysis, data visualization, data science, software development, web development, scientific programming, etc.

Python was first released in 1991 as version "Python 0.9.0" by Guido van Rossum. Later, a new version of Python was released as Python 2, which was the most popular version of Python. Right now the name of the latest version of Python is - Python 3.

Why is Python very popular today?

Python has a lot of powerful capabilities and facilities for programming high quality software, due to which it is known as the top ranked programming language in the world. Here the following are the characteristics that make it a globally popular and widly accepted programming language among the world's programmers -

  1. Platforms or systems independent

    This is a very popular advantage of the Python programming language. You can use Python on many platforms or systems available in the world for example Windows, Mac, Linux, IBMi,, Solaris, etc.

    System-independent or platform-independent means that you do not need to modify the Python code when it is used on different platforms. This is the reason that applications made in Python are called portable and platform independent.

  2. Supports multiple programming styles

    Python is known among programmers all over the world as a versatile programming language. There are some precise and powerful features behind it that are found in Python. That is, you can use Python in different styles or patterns of programming such as - in a procedural way, in a functional way, in the object way, etc.

  3. Secure and stable programming language

    Security and stability issues have always been a headache for programming languages. There are technically sound people in the world with a destructive mindset who misuse the look and hole of programming languages.

    To avoid such people, it becomes necessary to check and update the security of the programming language so that the world can get a better, secure, stable and productive programming language. And finally people all over the world can be technically developed and new innovative applications, products and services can be available to human civilization and their technical life can be easy and safe.

    Python is far ahead in terms of its stability and security. They take any kind of security vulnerabilities seriously by fixing them, updating the version of Python or issuing suitable recommendations. Both the Python Software Foundation and the Python Community play an important role in this. Since the late 1980s, there have been many developments related to the functionality, testing, usability and security of Python, and now Python is available in its new form as a bug free and stable version.

  4. Basic, easy and simple coding style

    Python is known among developers for its coding simplicity. It is written in a very simple and clean language, its syntax is similar to writing English and mathematics. That's why Python is easy to learn and use in application development, saving programmers both time and energy.

    In Python, tab-based or space-based indentation is used for code blocks such as loops, functions, and classes, and not curly brackets as in other programming languages.

    There is no command terminator symbol in Python, it means no semicolor and other symbols for command terminators. The new line itself acts as a command terminator.

  5. Lesser or minimal coding language

    In Python, you can write programming code in a very short form, which is why Python is called a less writing language. Python requires very little code to be written as compared to other programming languages.

    There are many Python libraries available that can do your job without writing new code. These libraries contain a collection of utility methods, classes and modules that speed up the performance of your development work. The library names are - Pandas, Numpy, Keras, Tensorflow, Scikit learn, Eli5, Scipy, Pytorch, etc.

  6. Interpreter based fast coding system

    Python is an interpreted language. As you know that interpreter is a type of program which executes other program. When you write Python code, it gets executed simultaneously because of the interpreter system. In this way the prototyping of Python code becomes very fast.

  7. OOPs based design architecture

    As you must be aware that OOPs are the best and most widely accepted programming code designing architecture in the world. As you may know, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a computer programming design model that uses an object or data-based architecture and not functions or logic. Most programmers or developers already have basic knowledge about OOPs.

    Python supports the OOPs design architecture. Due to this, it becomes easy for new programmers to learn Python and thus Python becomes a popular language among new programmers.

  8. Rapid and low cost development

    In Python, you can do application development faster and at a lower cost, be it a small project or a large project. Python itself is a very efficient and reliable language in which you can create a powerful application with minimal effort.

    However, one thing to note here is that the execution speed of Python is slower than some other languages like C++, Java, C#, Go, JavaScript, etc. But nowadays we consider application development time as important and not the computer execution time of the code.

  9. Widely used to develop Web applications

    Python is considered the best option for web development due to its many capabilities and features. Web designing and development can be done very simply and easily in Python because there are many capable and better frameworks available in Python. The names of those frameworks are - Django, Web2py, Pyramid, TurboGears, etc.

    Among these, Django is a very popular and well-known Python framework. There are many popular websites in the world which are built using the Django framework such as The Guardian, The New York Times, Pinterest, etc.

  10. Mulitiple databases support and interaction

    The world's popular and best database formats can be successfully used in Python like Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase, etc. Of these, PostgreSQL and MySQL are two common open-source databases that web applications built in Python use to store data.

  11. Supportive and active global Python community

    Any programming language is considered popular and reliable only when it has the support of a large community of programmers or developers around the world. These communities play an important role in securing the usability and development of the language, these communities are very helpful in managing all of the programming language's shortcomings or new features. The more popular the language, the bigger and bigger is its global community.

    It's been more than 30 years since Python was created, in such a long span the community of any programming language has grown and matured to help new and expert developers. Python has its own large global community of software developers and programmers who share their problems and solutions with each other through online or offline medium e.g. - IRC, Forums, Mailing list, etc. These help any new or expert developer or programmer to learn, use, or update Python code for free. Because of this, Python developers are able to easily perform their complex tasks and eventually launch and produce the application on time. There will probably be a problem whose solution is not available with the Python community.

What is python used for

Every software or application you can think of must be built in Python. You can develop web site applications in Python, you can create any software, you can use it in data analysis, etc. Below are some of the main functions with a brief description where Python is used –

  • Web Development

    Python is a powerful programming language and it can be used to create amazing websites and web applications. It is also known as server-side application or backend language so Python is often used to develop the backend of websites or web applications.

    For this, Python plays an important role in performing many tasks such as sending data to the server, data processing, communication from the database, etc.

    Python provides a variety of options for web development which are as follows - frameworks like Django and Pyramid, micro-frameworks such as Flask and Bottle, and advanced content management systems such as Plone and Django CMS.

    Python has a rich graphics library that can be used to create beautiful animations and user interfaces for web applications.

  • Software Development

    Python is a powerful programming language that’s perfect for software development professionals. It can be used to build successful industry standard softwares. Python's robust data structures and libraries make it an ideal choice for developing high-performance software.

    Python has a well-known feature called “source management” which allows software developers to keep their source codes organized and accessible while they continue working on their application. Thus Python is a very supporting language for software developers for building control and management, testing, etc.

    There are multiple tools are available for this such as - Buildbot, SCons, Apache Gump, Roundup, and Trac.

  • System Administration for IT administrator

    We know that a system administrator can face across numerous challenges, problems and tasks like managing users, disk space, processes, devices, and backups, etc.

    Python is used to perform a variety of system-administration tasks such as bulk and huge file handling operations and execution for servers. It provides the means to automate both simple and complex administrative tasks like such as server configuration or application deployment, etc.

    Today, there exist a plethora of Python apps for automating administrative tasks. The most useful and valuable Python tools that support IT administration are as follows -

    • Fabric - for interacting with remote servers via Secure Shell (SSH)
    • Psutil - a library that enables admins and developers to quickly gather information on running processes and system utilization
    • Click - for use in creating CLIs quickly and efficiently
    • Salt - for infrastructure management
    • Selenium - for browser-based web applications
    • Ansible - to automate a variety of critical IT tasks like deployment, configuration, etc.

  • Scientific and Numeric purposes

    Python is a powerful language for scientific computing whcih offers a high level of readability and clarity when coding scientific code.

    Python provides a wide range of built-in functions and libraries that can be used in your scientific applications. It can handle complex mathematical and scientific calculations quickly and easily, making it the perfect language for data analysis, modeling, and machine learning. You can also use Python to build an entire ecosystem of scientific software that works together to solve problems.

    There are multiple tools, packages, and libraries available for this purpose such as - ciPy, Pandas, IPython.

  • Artificial Intelligence(AI) and Machine learning

    As we know that machine learning is a field of artificial intelligence (AI) that uses computer programs to automatically improve their performance. This is done as data in the machine learning program is analyzed and used to make predictions or decisions that are either better or more accurate than humans could make.

    If you want to automate your artificial intelligence (AI) projects, you need Python. Because, Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, and it’s perfect for automating machine learning tasks. In other words we can say that Python is a versatile and powerful programming language that can be used to automate your Artificial Intelligence(AI) projects.

    By using Python, you can get started with automating your AI projects quickly and easily. You can create models in Python for machine learning that are able to learn from experience and predict future events without needing any human input.

  • Business Applications

    In addition to being a powerful application programming language, Python offers a flexible development platform that can be customized to suit an organization’s requirements for business applications. Business applications in Python are gaining momentum as organizations discovered the cost benefits of investing in software applications created with Python.

    There are two business-related Python projects: 'Tryton', a business platform written in Python for the banking and financial industries, and 'Odoo', an ERP system that offers an extensive range of modules for various industries.

  • Blockchain based Digital Currencies

    Python is widely used in Blockchain technology. You will be surprised to know that more than 4 million blockchain based applications have been developed in Python. Many well-known companies of the world like - Ethereum, NEO, etc. have made their digital products using Python.

Which IDE is used for Python coding?

Many editors or IDEs have been created for coding to build applications in Python. Many helpful functionalities are already written in these editors or IDEs which help a lot in writing and debugging Python coding.

These editors are available in both high and large types, in which you can develop small or large projects. "PyScripter" is a well-known lightweight Python IDE that is very popular among Python developers for small projects development.

There are many other powerful IDEs which are used to build and manage high and large level applications which are popularly known as -
  • Thonny
  • Pycharm
  • Netbeans
  • Eclipse

Sample code example for python programming -

# Use of Python "for loop" for printing the table of a given number   

num = 9
print ("Table of: ", num)    
for count in range(1, 11):      
   print (num, 'x', count, '=', num * count)  

If you run the above code in Python IDE, it will give the following output -
Table of:  9
9 x 1 = 9
9 x 2 = 18
9 x 3 = 27
9 x 4 = 36
9 x 5 = 45
9 x 6 = 54
9 x 7 = 63
9 x 8 = 72
9 x 9 = 81
9 x 10 = 90

What are the frameworks that are built for Python?

You must know that by using the framework of any scripting language in application development, we can reduce both the production time and cost of new application development and can build any application faster. This is because pre-programmed frameworks already have coding for many time consuming and complex tasks.

We just have to call and run those coding functions or snippets in our application. There are many similar frameworks built into Python which can greatly speed up your development process while creating new applications. The names of those frameworks are as follows -
  • Django,
  • Pyramid,
  • TurboGears,
  • Web2py,
  • CherryPy

Which companies or institutions are using Python?

Python is a globally accepted and widely used programming language, it is called so because the world's biggest companies and institutions are using it in their application development.

The names of those companies or institutions are - Google Sheets, LinkedIn, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Pinterest, Netflix, Uber, Dropbox, Spotify, etc.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Question)

Why is it called Python?

This is followed by an article from the 1970s BBC comedy series "Monty Python's Flying Circus" which inspired Guido van Rossum to choose the name Python. Actually they were thinking of a short, unique and a bit mysterious name which they found in that article, since then this programming language got the name Python

What is Python programming language used for?

Python is a type of computer programming language that we mostly use to build websites and software, automate tasks, and do data analysis. It is a general-purpose language, meaning that it can be used to create and implement a wide variety of different programs and is therefore not specifically used for any specific purpose.

What is the basic language of Python?

Python is completely written in the C programming language. You will be surprised to know that the implementation in Python is originally known as CPython.

What is Python and how it works?

Python is known to be a robust, interpreted (bytecode-compiled) language. No type declaration of variables, parameters, functions or methods in source code is done in Python. Therefore the code in Python is short and flexible, and the source code does not require compile-time checking due to run time interpretation.

What is Python programming simple?

Python has a simple syntax similar to English and Mathematics language. Python has simple coding syntax which allows developers to write programs with fewer lines than some other programming languages, hence Python is called as Minimal Writing Language. Furthermore, Python runs on an interpreter system, which means that as Python code is written, it is executed at the same time. Thus prototyping of coding happens very quickly.

What is the best use of Python?

Python is known for building rapid, robust and high performance web applications. The uses of some of the popular works are as follows -
Development of interactive games,
Machine learning and artificial intelligence,
Data science and data,
Desktop GUI,
Web scraping applications,
Business applications,
CAD applications

What are advantages of Python?

Python has many advantages which are as follows -
free and open source,
It is very easy to read, learn and write,
It uses English-like syntax,
Its use improves productivity,
It's an interpreted language,
Pretty much inbuilt library support,
it supports portability

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Aashutosh Kumar Yadav

By Aashutosh Kumar Yadav

He is a PHP-based UI/Web designer and developer by profession and very interested in technical writing and blogging. He has been writing technical content for about 10 years and has proficient in practical knowledge and technical writing.


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