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25 Dec 2021

What is Java Why It is Still Powerful Today

Java is the base coding platform for many digital applications that you are already using nowadays such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, super computers, game consoles etc.

What is Java Why It is Still Powerful Today

In today's date, Java is preferred by most of the organizations to develop their applications or projects.

What is Java?

Java is a fast, secure, reliable, robust, and popular class-based object-oriented programming language. James Gosling has develoved Java in 1995 at Sun Microsystems, Inc. Oak was the original name of the Java programming language.

The current owner of the Java is Oracle corporation. Oracle has not developed Java. Java has been acquired by the Oracle corporation in 2010.

Java SE 18 is the latest version of Java released in March 2022. You can download Java as free for personal use. The developer can find and download the development kits and tools at Oracle official website - https://www.oracle.com/javadownload/

Java is similar to C/C++ and its class libraries because Gosling had designed Java with a C/C++-style syntax. One who knows C/C++ can learn and master Java fastly and efficiently.

What is Java Platform?

Java platform is a type of environment having a group of multiple programs which makes it possible to develop and run the Java application. This environment is made of three basic components - Java language, Java packages, and Java virtual machine(JVM).

The following are the different names of Java platforms(also called Java editions) -

  • Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME) –
    It provides environments with limited resources with an API and short impression of virtual machine, suitable for small devices - mobile phones.
  • Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) –
    It provides workstation based environment with core functionality like I/O stream, Networking, Exception, Inner Classes etc. and APIs like java.io, java.net etc. It is suitable for GUI development, networking, database access etc.
  • Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) -
    It is mainly for large distributed enterprise or Internet environments with API and suitable to develop web and enterprise applications like web services, Servlet, JSP etc.
  • Java FX -
    It provides environment for developing rich internet applications using a lightweight user-interface API and suitable for connecting to networked data sources.

What are components of Java platform?

Java platform components are responsible to interpret and execute the Java developer's source code or programming code into machine understandable format and providing output or result as per source code logic. Here are short explanation about these Java platform components -

  1. Java Development kit (JDK) -
    It is a type of development environment which provides tools like - compiler, application launcher, appletviewer etc. to write or develop and run applets and Java applications.
  2. Java Virtual Machine (JVM) -
    It provides run time engine for running the Java codes and applications.
  3. Java Runtime Environment (JRE) -
    It acts as a medium between the Java program and the operating system to communicate with each other.

If you are preparing and looking for a career as a Java Developer, please visit at Java interview questions for getting your dream job.

Java code example sample -

Here is the following code represents Java code for showing the welcome message -

  /*Filename - welcome.java */
  Type to compile the file welcome.java  - javac Welcome.java
  Type to execute the file welcome.java - java Welcome
  Output would show as - Hello Welcome to Java
  class Welcome{  
    public static void main(String args[]){  
     System.out.println("Hello Welcome to Java");  

What are types of Java Applications?

You can create majorly four different types of application as like below -

  1. Stand alone application -
    As you know that standalone applications refers to desktop application or windows applications. This is traditional software that we have to install on every machine. Examples of stand-alone applications are Media player, antivirus, etc. AWT and Swing are used in Java to build stand-alone applications.
  2. Web Application -
    As you know web application refers to server based dynamic pages generation for showing the application output. Currently, we create the web application using Servlet, JSP, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, JSF, etc. in Java.
  3. Enterprise Application-
    An application which is distributed in nature like banking applications etc. is called an enterprise application. It has advantages such as high level of security, load balancing and clustering. You can create the enterprise level applications using EJB in the Java.
  4. Mobile Application –
    An application that is created for a mobile device is called a mobile application. Android and Java ME are currently used for creating mobile applications.

What are features of Java?

The following are features of Java -

  • It uses object-oriented programming design for application development. Java uses its object-based functionality, making it an extensible programming language. You can extend its functionality thanks to object-oriented design.
  • Java is an easy to use and learn programming language because it is based on OOP design and logic.
  • Code once written in Java can easily run on different computer platforms.
  • Java is platform independent. Some programs developed on one computer can be run on another machine.
  • It is intended for creating object-oriented applications.
  • Memory management in java operates in auto mode and it works in multi-threading way.
  • Java is designed to work with the distributed network environment of the Internet.
  • Facilitates distributed computing as its network oriented.

What is Java used for?

While the primary use of Java is for computer software programming, there are many other specific uses which are highlighted below -

  • Server side or backend application development -
    Java can be used to create functional components of an application. Users do not interact with these parts, but they are necessary for the frontend to thrive. Java follows the Write Once, Run Anywhere (WORA) concept so it is considered the ideal server-side applications development tool for all operating systems.
  • Complete Web Application Development –
    Java can be used to create a variety of web applications. As a web application development tool, Java 8 can be used to design both frontend and backend applications.
  • Distributed Application Development -
    Java is one of the few programming languages that can be used to create applications for a single computer network or distributed system. Distributed Java applications have components spread across different systems rather than a central mainframe.
  • Cloud Application Development –
    Java is also an ideal programming language for creating cloud applications. You can create SaaS (software as a service ) application using the Java. These applications are gaining popularity across industries because they are more secure and affordable than traditional systems.
  • Big Data Engineering -
    In addition to traditional software development, Java 8 has been applied in big data engineering, especially in big data processing. Java works smartly and efficiently for memory management and distribution.

Who uses Java?

Java is used widely to develop applications by top companies in the world. Here are the example names - Amazon, eBay, Google, Uber, Netflix, Instagram etc.
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Aashutosh Kumar Yadav

By Aashutosh Kumar Yadav

He is a PHP-based UI/Web designer and developer by profession and very interested in technical writing and blogging. He has been writing technical content for about 10 years and has proficient in practical knowledge and technical writing.


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