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11 Aug 2022

Know the Best And Popular Python Frameworks in 2023

Python is an incredibly versatile programming language which is known for rapid, secure and robust development due to its many popular framework.

Best And Popular Python Frameworks For Web Development

What is Python?

Python is a popular programming language that is used by many developers all over the world. Python is simple to learn and can be used in a variety of ways, including for scientific purposes, data analysis, and web development.

Guido van Rossum created it in 1989. It is able to develop high-performance applications or software faster than other languages.

What are Python Frameworks?

The main function of any framework, regardless of which scripting language it is built in, is to create high-quality software or applications while reducing the production time and cost of the application.

Similarly, Python frameworks offer the user a number of benefits when it comes to web development. These include ease of use, modularity, and readability by using a collection of packages or modules.

How many types of Python Frameworks are there?

Python frameworks have divided into three major categories, which are –

  • Full Stack Framework

    It provides a full and complete solution for the applications. It is ideal for large and enterprise-level complex projects or applications. The example of full stack python frameworks are: Django, TurboGears, web2py, CubicWeb, Django-hotsauce, Giotto, Grok, Pylons, Tornado

  • Micro Framework

    It provides a basic solution for the applications. It is an ideal choice for shorter projects or applications. The example of full stack python frameworks are: Bottle, CherryPy, Flask, Hug, Pyramid, Albatross, Circuits, Falcon, Growler, MorePath, Pycnic, Sanic

  • Asynchronous Framework

    It is in its early stages and are being rapidly evolving. It is ideal for running simultaneous connections in large amounts. It uses 'asyncio' library for working on the applications. For example - Tornado, Tulip, Twisted, Sanic, Vibora, Quart, FastAPI,

List of Best and Popular Python Frameworks

There are multiple frameworks names in Python with their own advantages and disadvantages. You can choose the right Python framework for your business needs according to your specific needs. Following are the names of the popular Python frameworks based on Python programming language, which are described with a short description -

  1. Django

    Django is an open-source full-stack Python framework that allows programmers to develop applications and websites of varying complexity in a short amount of time, that is why it is most popular among Python programmers. It is a deeply customizable and flexible Python framework. You can download the Django framework from its official website – “Django

    Django offers several advantages, such as validation, URL management, robust authentication, database patterns, component reusability, less code, low coupling, and the no-repeat principle. It is equipped with a huge number of ready-made libraries.

    It is perfect with a large group of databases including PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and Oracle. Since it uses an ORM to outline the database tables, similar code works with different databases. It supports MVC (Model View Controller) and MVT (Model View Template) design patterns for coding.

    Most importantly, this is one of the simplest Python frameworks and therefore best suited for beginners. You can develop a small, medium, and large-level application using this popular Python framework.

  2. Pyramid

    Pyramid is an open-source Python framework that runs on Python 3 and aims to deliver accurate results without unexpected complications. It is known for developing features for small, medium, and large-scale applications.

    Some of the key features of this system include routes, HTML form generation and their template validation based on content, and URL mapping depending on the layout of routes. The pyramid boasts a working network that is constantly adding to and improving the structure. You can try and install it from its official website at trypyramid.com

  3. Turbo Gears

    It is an information-driven, full-stack python framework. It consolidates the absolute best parts of other Python systems and accompanies numerous valuable libraries. It allows engineers to quickly create informational web applications.

    It provides comprehensive identification, authorization and authentication services with an auto-generated admin and CRUD. It offers seamless migration of schemas, caching and sessions, master-slave database queries balancing, multiple data-exchange formats, etc. You can give it a try at its official website at Turbogears.

  4. Flask

    It has a lightweight and insulated design that makes it effectively versatile for a wide range of enhancement needs. With Flask, you can build a powerful web application that can scale and use any kind of extension.

    It gets its motivation from the Sinatra Ruby system. Flask requires the Jinja2 layout and the Werkzeug WSGI toolkit to run. It includes an inherent improvement server, and the fast debugger has coordinated unit testing help and takes into account soothing request submissions.

    Flask is good with Google App Engine. It is WSGI 1.0 compliant and has Integrated support for unit testing, RESTful requests, secure cookies, and provides a development debugger and server. You can take help with installation and other guidance at its official website at Flask.

  5. Falcon

    Falcon is a micro framework that will allow developers to build small applications, application backends, and high-level frameworks. Experts say that falcon is not suitable for serving HTML pages, but it is suitable for those who use the RESTful API concept.

  6. Bottle

    It is the micro web framework which is a simple and lightweight Python framework. It supports fast WSGI. It is one of the most popular python web frameworks, it allows developers to easily create complex applications because it has no external dependencies except for the standard python library.

    It is used for the rapid development of server-side scripting and web applications. It falls into the category of micro-frames and creates a single source file. The bottle is an ideal framework for building APIs and small applications. It allows for seamless use of third-party plugins and template templates

  7. Hug

    Hug is a fast micro-framework for building APIs which provides developers with different API versions, automatic documentation, and annotation-based validation. Additionally, compiling it from Cython improved the framework's performance.

  8. Web2py

    Web2py is an adaptable, open-source, full-stack Python framework that accompanies its online IDE, which includes a code manager, a debugger, and other features. The framework is also an exceptional information processing tool that allows developers to create concepts and dynamic web content in Python. In addition, it worked on information security to prevent common vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting, infusion defects, and vindictive record execution.

    It also follows the MVC architecture design pattern and is compatible with Python 2.x and 3.x versions. It provides many third-party packages for quick web application development. You can download Web2py from its official website at web2py.com

  9. Tornado

    Quite similar to Flask, Tornado also has core functions and an asynchronous library. Tornado is quite different from other Python frameworks because it is not based on WSGI. It supports Linux and BSD OS and is quite suitable for developing simple applications.

  10. Cherrypy

    It is a micro-framework. It is an object-oriented Python framework that is known for its minimalist approach. Applications that are developed through this framework are independent Python applications that have their own specially implanted multi-threaded web server.

    Despite being a micro-framework, CherryPy is not too restrictive in its usefulness. It allows you to work with any innovation of your decision regarding templating, information access, and so on. Furthermore, it handles sessions, statistics, record transfers and everything else that a web structure can do. It offers tools for encoding, caching, authorization, sessions, and static content. It has the ability to listen on multiple HTTP servers and ports.


    It is an asynchronous web framework that implements Python 3.5+ features. It combines the functionality of server and client web frameworks and provides WebSocket and client-server to customers. It also offers various asynchronous drivers and wrappers for popular databases such as PostgreSQL and MySQL, etc. It is used to develop useful and robust libraries.

    The asyncio module offers a capable framework that is focused on the event loop. Easily handles all system events and I/O operations. The asyncio library helps developers write concurrent programs using it's efficient async/await syntax.

  12. Sanic

    Sanic is an asynchronous framework based on uvloop. It is a basic Python framework developed to offer fast HTTP responses. Sanic is also one of the most popular asynchronous frameworks because it allows several types of logging, includes module support, and supports outlines for sub-steering inside the application.

    It is light, flexible, highly scalable, and offers a built-in and fast web server. It comes with an intuitive and simple API design and allows the use of async syntax for faster code. You can check its official website for reference, support, and guide at Sanic

  13. Growler

    Growler is a micro-framework that is relatively less popular compared to other Python-based frameworks. It is single-threaded and partially implemented. Growler's formatted chain in its middleware provides an easy way to deploy complex applications.

  14. CubicWeb

    It is an open-source Python framework that is built on the principles of the Semantic Web. It allows developers to develop web applications by reusing components i.e. cubes and following well-defined methodologies and principles of object-oriented design.

    CubicWeb is really an engine that is powered by an explicit data model of web applications. It is an ideal framework for developing data-centric applications. It is a proven solution for developing semantic web applications that support reusability, efficiency, and higher quality.

  15. Dash

    Dash Python framework is the preferred framework for data scientists who are not very familiar with traditional web development. It is a low-code and open-source Python framework used for building analytical web applications.

    It is a robust library that simplifies the process of developing data-driven applications. It enables the development and deployment of data-driven applications with customized user interfaces. It allows developers to quickly bind user interfaces to their code.

    Dash uses simple patterns to extract all the protocols and technologies needed to develop complete web applications with highly interactive data visualization.

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

Which framework is best Python?

Django is the best Python Framework.

Which Python framework is mostly used?

Django the name of Python framework which is mostly used.

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Aashutosh Kumar Yadav

By Aashutosh Kumar Yadav

He is a PHP-based UI/Web designer and developer by profession and very interested in technical writing and blogging. He has been writing technical content for about 10 years and has proficient in practical knowledge and technical writing.


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